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You Focus On Business,
We Take Care Of Your Accounting And Taxation.

You will get not just tax compliance, but also professional relief of tax anxiety, asset protection, tax savings and wealth maximization.

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Our Services

We are a boutique firm but with full range of accounting and taxation services. We care about you pain points and needs, stand in your shoes and recommend services only to suit your needs and help your company grow.

Audit & Review

Corporate Year-end Services

Bookkeeping & Payroll

Accounting System & Internal Controls

Corporate Structure & Tax Consultation

Personal Tax Returns

We help start-up businesses with clear plan for fast growth, and businesses with annual revenue of over $800,000.

We Make a Difference

We are a house of passionate and professional accountants who are not satisfied with just tax filings for you. We are devoted to add value for you by

Listening to the growth pain points and needs of your business, and help find solutions

Helping set up and streamline the bookkeeping, payroll, accounting and tax process, to save your precious time as an entrepreneur

Pointing out areas for improvement in the bookkeeping, accounting and internal control system

Providing tax planning advice on integration of both corporate and personal level

Offering planning and helping implementation of corporate initial structure and restructure along the corporation’s growth path

Keeping abreast of new legistative changes and current tax environment, and helping business owners navigate and benefit from Canadian’s tax system over their lifetime

Staying current with new accounting technologies to help you achieve efficiency of the accounting system

Client's Testimonials

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“Ardell is by far one of the most professional accountant I have ever met. Besides routine corporate accounting and tax filings, she is especially seasoned in financial and estate planning for high-net-worth entrepreneurs, and implementing the strategies along with tax and commercial lawyers, including setting up holding company and family trust, estate freezee, among others. She offers large-scale national seminar for our high-net-worth business clients every year, from which our clients have benefited significantly.”

- Cedric Zhang, General Manager, Citistar Financial (Ontario) -


Let Us Help You

We help start-up businesses with clear plan for fast growth, and businesses with annual revenue of over $800,000. We are devoted to add value for your business.

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